Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bad Dreams

The decision to take in a new foster child, especially a baby, was not an easy one to make. Things turned out wonderfully with my Princess but it was a long and bumpy road to get here. There were days and weeks when I thought she would be returned to her mom. While I knew this would mean that her bio-mom as doing better and that was a good thing I selfishly didn't want that. From that first moment I saw Andi staring out from behind Maria's legs (first foster mom) I fell in love. But like I always say, as a foster parent I'm just a glorified baby sitter and have no say in the child's placement or future. I can only make sure that the time they are with me are a healthy, happy and loving time.

When I got the call for the baby I was first of all surprised because I wasn't signed up for a baby (as a foster parent you can get as specific as you want about the child you want placed including age, race, sex, etc.). All I specified was age 1 1/2-3. So I knew I couldn't have been the first call they made. She was born drug addicted and still in the hospital getting it out of her system. Not something a lot of people want to sign up for. So I spoke to my family and Jason, and prayed about it, and decided to bring her home.

Things have been far from easy from that moment on. She has had no issues with the drugs so far. She is a perfect happy baby. But the parents have been a nightmare. Speaking of nightmares, I have been sick for 3 days. When I'm sick I tend to have bad, vivid dreams. Last nights dream was about the baby and her parents. Next month is the 6 month court date. She will actually of been with me 7 months by then but the first court date wasn't scheduled right away and they go 6 months for that date. Because she is an infant a decision should be made at this court date regarding a permanent placement whether that be she gets returned to her parents or stays with me. Of course in my dream she was returned to her parents which is why it was a bad dream.

I don't know what's going to happen next month. The last I spoke to the social worker they were leaning toward terminating parental rights. But like I said things change often. This dream has me thinking about my future as a foster parent. If I do get to adopt the baby I can't take in anymore foster children. I have a two bedroom house so I'm only approved for 2 children. But if she is returned will I be able to go through this again? I don't know.

It's a Fake!

This weekend I went to a garage sale that had lots of designer clothing. Most of it was woman's clothing but there were two men's shirts hiding out in the middle of the mountain of clothing. I grabbed them both and stuck them in my quickly growing stack of items I was buying.

Lately I've been trying to list as soon as I get home so being a good girl I pulled out the big bag of clothing I bought and separated the selling from the keeping items. Unfortunately most of it was keeping. The seller was my size and she had really nice spring and summer items.

The first item I pulled out to list was a men's Tommy Bahama shirt. I buttoned it up to examine it and right away noticed it was a fake. I have sold dozens of these shirts since I started selling again on eBay. That certainly doesn't make me an expert but I know one of the obvious things to look for is that when buttoned the pattern continues across the shirt. Of course like any rule there is an exception. Really old shirts (by old I mean early 90's when they first started making them) don't follow this rule. But this isn't an old shirt unfortunately. It's just a fake. Now it will be donated to SA minus the tags so no one else tries to pass off a fake for a real one.

I've included a pic of the fake shirt and a real shirt so you can see how in the grey shirt the pattern doesn't continue and on the orange shirt it does. It looks like one piece of material.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Why Wait

Last spring and summer I went to garage sales and bought and bought and bought (yes I have a problem) seasonal items like Halloween costumes and Christmas decorations with the intention of saving them until that season got here. Then I planned on listing like crazy to get them all up (and hopefully sold) before the season was over. Unfortunately things don't often go according to plan around here.

When Halloween season started I couldn't find the storage containers with the costumes (I'm a little disorganized). When Christmas season got here I had so many personal issues that listing was the last thing on my mind. But then one day I realized "I have a store. Why wait?" So ever since then I list no matter the season.

I understand that items will probably sell quicker and for more when the season gets here. But at that time eBay will be saturated with sellers that also waited and are listing their items. I would rather be one of two or three sellers with an item now then one of a dozen later.

For those of you thinking "I don't want something to sit for months" you would be surprised what people will buy all year long. This past weekend I sold a Jasmine costume for $40.00 minus shipping and a baby's first Christmas from 2001 for $20.00 minus shipping. The costumes people buy for pretend play or themed birthday parties all year long. The ornaments I'm not sure about. Maybe theirs broke when they were packing it up after the holidays. All I know is that I'm glad it sold.

The ornament came from my $20.00 yard sale challenge a few weeks ago. So far my $20.00 investment has yielded me $120.00 profit. Three of those sales were holiday items, a costume and two ornaments.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Can I Make A Living

Today I asked myself "could I make a living off of eBay?" I know there are people that do this full time or almost full time and support themselves with the income. Would I be able to do the same and continue living the life I am living now.

The reason I wonder is because the company I have worked for so many years (too many to think about) was bought out recently. The new company is making so many changes. I don't know if my job is secure. So for the first time in ... well ever I'm having to wonder about my future with the company. If I do lose my job could I fall back on eBay until I found something new? I don't know. And that is a little scary.

Does anyone know someone personally who sells online for a living? Maybe I just want reassurance that it is possible.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are

I lost something very important. Have you seen it? I’m very worried. It’s been missing for a while. I’ve lost my eBay sales. I can’t seem to sell anything and I’m very worried. OK so I might be slightly to blame for sales being gone. I just haven’t been listing the way I should. But I’m determined to do better. And to make myself accountable I’m going to make, and share my goals.

eBay Goals for March:

1. List at least 14 new items a week. That breaks down to 2 items per day. I was aiming for 5 per day but I’m just too busy for that most days so I’m being easier on myself and saying 2 per day.
2. Go thru my existing inventory and list or purge. I really don’t need to do anymore shopping but I know I will. My goal this month is to go thru everything I already have and get organized.
3. Sell $600.00 in March. Not a big goal but that is a lot of money for me. Especially when I do this very part time.

Just 3 little goals. I can do it. I am trying to make March the month of change for myself. Like a personal spring cleaning. I think I really need it. So on top of eBay goals I also have a goal to loose 4 pounds this month, and (this is a big one for me) cut out most of my frivolously spending and put more money into my emergency fund. Let me tell you if I had an emergency right now I would be out of luck. I might have enough to cover an emergency pack of gum.

I’m really motivated to do well. Today I brown bagged it to work so I saved about $7.00 already. And on my eBay front I’ve sold 3 items so far this month totaling $60.00.

This beauty sold for $25.00 at auction. Buyer paid for shipping. I paid $1.29 for her on February 22nd. I was really hoping I would get more but auction ended with only one bid. She is kinda creepy and not in the best condition so I’m happy I got one bid.

This weekend all my purchases came from a single yard sale. We filled up a big, black garbage bag with toys and clothes for $24.00. I came home and listed several items including Pooh. He sold the same day. I probably under priced him at $20.00 since he was new with tags but plush is bulky and takes up more room to store so I priced my lowest. I split the cost of the bag with my mom so I’m already making a profit.

The third item I sold was a mens shirt for $15.00. I had an oops moment on this item. I meant to list if for more but I only paid $1.25 for it so still making plenty of profit.

This month I will be the little engine that could “I think I can, I think I can”.