Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What eBay?

So mom asked me this weekend "why haven't you been listing on eBay?" Oh yeah eBay! 

What have I been doing instead?

Making a money lei. I have to make 3 by May and I have never made them before so I'm starting early. 

Making invitations for Princess' 5th birthday also in May. It's a Mermaid party and I have a lot of cutting out to do and making tons of decorations so I want to make sure I have enough time. I finally got all the pieces to the invitations cut out this weekend when Princess tells me "Mommy I think I want a Frozen party instead."

What?!?! So do I put all my hard work aside and start all over? I know she loves Frozen. She's always singing the songs. But ... I haven't decided yet. 

I do have a BOLO though. After she told me she wanted a Frozen party I went to the Disney Store to get some ideas and found out ALL the stores (Disney, JCP, Target, etc) are sold out of the Elsa costumes. Poor Anna no one wants to be her so you can find tons of Her costumes everywhere. So if you happen to find an Elsa costume while yard saling grab it ... And sent it to me ... Oh sorry I mean list it fast before they replenish the stock again at the stores. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Bright Side

And life goes on like I knew it would. Break ups are hard but I'm trying to look at the bright side. And luckily his leaving doesn't effect the adoption. I am adopting on my own. So this is me being positive:

I don't have to do things anyone else's way but my own. I don't have to watch shows I hate anymore. I can raise my children how I see fit. I can have more of the bed. I have more money (he hadn't worked in a bit and I was the only one working). And the best part. More room in my tiny house for me and my stuff. 

When he first moved in we bought a storage unit for his stuff for our backyard. Now that he's gone I can convert it into my eBay room. I can store my stuff, set up a mannequin for pics, get organized for good. I am excited for the possibilities. 

The girls seem to be doing fine with him gone. No bad reactions so far. And I'm doing everything I would normally do. Tonight that meant gymnastics for my princess and spending the night getting 20 goody bags ready for her class for Valentines day. I totally think I can do this! At least today. Take it one day at a time. 


Monday, February 3, 2014

No Lemonade or Windows

They say when life gives you lemons make lemonade. All I can think of is not getting any of the juice on the open wound. When God closes a door he opens a window. I can't find any windows. Why is it we have so many sayings when something goes wrong and none of them seem to fit when you are really in pain. Sometimes all you need is a hug and a shoulder to cry on. 

When I was growing up I always imagined my life a certain way. I would be the soccer mom with her minivan carpooling all the kids. My perfect hubby would be totally supportive. We would live in a house with a white picket fence. Life would be perfect. 

Fast word to present time. I have two wonderful daughters and I thought I had finally found my soul mate. We were engaged. The girls loved him. And out of the blue he comes up to me and says it's over. Two days later he is packing up and leavea while we are all gone without a goodbye. No warning, nothing. So that leaves me almost 40 and alone, a single mom of two. I counted a lot on him to help me. Can I make it on my own? 

Any other single moms have any advice for one that is feeling low?