Monday, February 3, 2014

No Lemonade or Windows

They say when life gives you lemons make lemonade. All I can think of is not getting any of the juice on the open wound. When God closes a door he opens a window. I can't find any windows. Why is it we have so many sayings when something goes wrong and none of them seem to fit when you are really in pain. Sometimes all you need is a hug and a shoulder to cry on. 

When I was growing up I always imagined my life a certain way. I would be the soccer mom with her minivan carpooling all the kids. My perfect hubby would be totally supportive. We would live in a house with a white picket fence. Life would be perfect. 

Fast word to present time. I have two wonderful daughters and I thought I had finally found my soul mate. We were engaged. The girls loved him. And out of the blue he comes up to me and says it's over. Two days later he is packing up and leavea while we are all gone without a goodbye. No warning, nothing. So that leaves me almost 40 and alone, a single mom of two. I counted a lot on him to help me. Can I make it on my own? 

Any other single moms have any advice for one that is feeling low? 


  1. I had my first when I was 18....he cheated and left. I cried everyday for months and ended up on meds....and then I did it all again with someone else 2 yrs later :) does slowly get better :) take time for yourself and enjoy your girls. I personally hate cliches everyone had one for me when I lost a pregnancy this summer and I have never felt more violent LOL. Google single mom's income blog she has been divorced about a yr and has some great posts from the beginning and a year later you may find helpful :)

  2. Oh Veronica, I'm so sorry this happened. I wish I had some advice, but I just don't know what to say. I know that you have a custody hearing coming up for your little one and I thought at first it was going to be bad news about that. Will this have any effect on the court's decision? Sending you a big (((((HUG)))))

  3. So sorry to hear this Veronica! Hang in there! I cant imagine what your feeling... I know you have probably heard this before, but take time for yourself and your girls.. You can totally do this.

  4. I am a new subbie. I have been a single mom since I said the words, "I'm pregnant". I have personally chosen to live a single life and do whatever it took to raise my child the past 20 years. Some years were really good financially, others sucked big time. He is 20 now and I asked him recently if he ever felt deprived of anything. He said I always found a way to do things for him and with him and that was most important. My advice, LOVE yourself and those girls, they will be grown and gone much too soon. I am 49 and LOVE my single life!

  5. He left because he was not good enough for you. You deserve better person. You are only 40 so you have alot to live for. Enjoy times with your girls....soon you'll get used to it and then you'll like your life this way. Good luck.

  6. I don't really have any advice, but I just want you to know that I'm praying for you and your girls, Veronica.

  7. Don't have any advice for you - I'm a single mom too, but my kids are grown now. I know how hard it can be, but you and your girls are a family and I know you can make it. THrow yourself into caring for them and selling for now. I promise things will get better. Very best wishes.

  8. So sorry Veronica. Will be praying for you and the girls and for the strength to get through this. Hugs to you!!!!
